Import necessary libraries


Part 1

Import files

Toomey_ebird<-read.csv("MBT_ebird.csv") #import saved ebird data

Create table of counts

options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE) #make summarize function recognize all groups

#create table with year, month, location, and species
year_count<-Toomey_ebird %>% #reference which file to count data in
  group_by(month, year, location ) %>% #group data by year

#count the number of species for each group
year_count2<-year_count %>% #reference which file to count data in
  group_by(month, year, location ) %>% #group data by year

#output final table
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## # Groups:   month, year [3]
##   month  year location num_of_species
##   <int> <int> <chr>             <int>
## 1     1  2004 US-CA                23
## 2     1  2004 US-NV                 9
## 3     1  2013 US-CA                 1
## 4     1  2013 US-MO                 1
## 5     1  2014 US-MA                 4
## 6     1  2014 US-MO                13

create and display plot

p1 <-ggplot(data= year_count2)+  #reference created data table
  aes(as.factor(month), #reference x axis variable as a factor to make it pretty
      num_of_species, #reference y axis variable
      color = year) + #color the points based on a variable
  geom_point(size =3)+ #add points and make them bigger than the default
  facet_wrap( #make a whole bunch of graphs, stacked on top of each other
    ~location)+  #each refereneceing a location
  xlab("Month")+ #give a title for x-axis
  ylab("Number of species")+#give a title for y-axis
  ggtitle("Count of observed species in each state")+ #add main title
  labs(color="Year") #edit legend title
p1 #output plot

Part 2

import required dataset (data table created in Assignment 5)

f3<-read.csv("f3.csv") #import saved dataframe

Create plot

p2 <-ggplot(data= f3,aes(treatment,mass) )+ #reference data to add to the plot
  geom_jitter(size =3, aes(treatment, mass, color=gender))+ #add points to plot
  xlab("Treatment")+ #add labels
  stat_summary(fun = mean,  #add mean to the bar in the color red
               geom = "crossbar", 
               width = 0.5, 
               color = "red") +
  stat_summary(geom = "errorbar",  #add errorbars to figure in black
               width = 0.3)+
  labs(color="Sex") #edit legend title
p2  #output graph

Part 3

p3<-ggplot(data= f3,aes(age,mass) )+ #reference data to add to the plot
  geom_point(size =3, aes(age, mass, color=treatment))+ #Add scatterplot points
  xlab("Age")+ #label axises 
  geom_smooth(size = 2, method = lm, #add line of best fit
            aes(color = treatment,  group = treatment), #have a line for each treatment
            se=FALSE)+# do not show error around the lines

p3 #output graph

Part 4

p2+p3+ #put two plots into a single figure
  plot_annotation(tag_levels ='a')+ #label each table with A and B
  plot_annotation('Changes in treatment effects for age and sex') #Title combined tables