Preliminary code

Load necessary libraries


Import dataset

##   X   list_ID common_name    scientific_name       date     time count duration
## 1 1 S40748758  Snow Goose Anser caerulescens 2017-11-26 10:28 AM    16       20
## 2 2 S33616660  Snow Goose Anser caerulescens 2017-01-12 07:00 AM     1       90
## 3 3 S33809874  Snow Goose Anser caerulescens 2017-01-20 04:26 PM     1       59
## 4 4 S35533959  Snow Goose Anser caerulescens 2017-03-30 07:05 AM     1      100
## 5 5 S35698031  Snow Goose Anser caerulescens 2017-04-04 07:00 AM     1      127
## 6 6 S35861224  Snow Goose Anser caerulescens 2017-04-10 06:06 PM     1       68
##   location latitude longitude count_tot month year
## 1    US-MO 38.87193 -90.18439       369    11 2017
## 2    US-MO 38.63891 -90.28538       272     1 2017
## 3    US-MO 38.63891 -90.28538       188     1 2017
## 4    US-MO 38.63891 -90.28538       283     3 2017
## 5    US-MO 38.63891 -90.28538       369     4 2017
## 6    US-MO 38.63891 -90.28538        28     4 2017

Problem 1

#create function
bird_call<-function(sci_name){ #name function and variable to input into function
  bird<-Toomey_ebird %>% #create a data frame with information from the ebird file
    filter(scientific_name == sci_name) #filter out a specific scientific name
  write_csv(bird,paste0(sci_name,".csv")) #write a file to a csv

#create list of all the things to put into the function
birds=c("Anser caerulescens", "Antrostomus carolinensis", "Setophaga americana")

#loop the list through the function
for (item in birds){

Problem 2

#create an empty dataframe

#create function
Most_and_least<-function(file_name){ #name function and input file
  bird_count<-read.csv(paste0(file_name,".csv")) #import file
  max_obs=slice_max(bird_count, count) #select the row with the most observations of the bird
  head_max_obs=slice_head(max_obs) # just take the top row from the file with the max observations
  min_obs=slice_min(bird_count, count) #select the row with the fewest observations of the bird
  head_min_obs=slice_head(min_obs) #just take the top row from the file with the min observations
  Most_and_least_df<-rbind(Most_and_least_df,head_max_obs, head_min_obs) #combine the files with the single min and max observations
  assign('Most_and_least_df',Most_and_least_df,envir=.GlobalEnv) #put the dataframe in the global environment

#run the function for every item in the list
for (item in birds){ #loop through each species in the list
  Most_and_least(item) #run the function

#export file

##      X   list_ID        common_name          scientific_name       date
## 1   14 S82037948         Snow Goose       Anser caerulescens 2021-02-20
## 2    2 S33616660         Snow Goose       Anser caerulescens 2017-01-12
## 3  872  S1665531 Chuck-will's-widow Antrostomus carolinensis 2004-04-22
## 4  872  S1665531 Chuck-will's-widow Antrostomus carolinensis 2004-04-22
## 5 5995 S18948766    Northern Parula      Setophaga americana 2014-06-29
## 6 5979 S67802026    Northern Parula      Setophaga americana 2020-04-25
##       time count duration location latitude longitude count_tot month year
## 1 05:15 PM    26        4    US-OK 35.96645 -95.49374       696     2 2021
## 2 07:00 AM     1       90    US-MO 38.63891 -90.28538       272     1 2017
## 3     <NA>     1        0    US-FL 27.18182 -81.35875        15     4 2004
## 4     <NA>     1        0    US-FL 27.18182 -81.35875        15     4 2004
## 5 11:00 AM     6      360    US-MO 37.72918 -92.39330       101     6 2014
## 6 11:48 AM     1      140    US-OK 36.78372 -98.18573        64     4 2020

Problem 3

#create a new bird list
birds2=c("Branta canadensis", "Spatula discors", "Anas platyrhynchos")

#clear out the dataframe that was created above

#create a function with already created functions
fun_combine<-function(species){ #name new function
  bird_call(species) #call first function
  Most_and_least(species) #call second function

#loop through each item on the new bird list
for (item in birds2){

#export file

##     X    list_ID      common_name    scientific_name       date     time count
## 1 147  S82037948     Canada Goose  Branta canadensis 2021-02-20 05:15 PM   200
## 2  24  S37097000     Canada Goose  Branta canadensis 2017-05-23 02:06 PM     1
## 3 249  S74645100 Blue-winged Teal    Spatula discors 2020-10-10 11:36 AM    60
## 4 222 S111728537 Blue-winged Teal    Spatula discors 2022-05-30 08:08 AM     1
## 5 444  S82037948          Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 2021-02-20 05:15 PM   250
## 6 312  S54632771          Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 2019-04-06 11:20 AM     1
##   duration location latitude  longitude count_tot month year
## 1        4    US-OK 35.96645  -95.49374       696     2 2021
## 2       50    US-VT 44.09702  -73.34205        44     5 2017
## 3        7    US-OK 36.21568  -95.93332       219    10 2020
## 4      302    US-OK 36.85077 -102.88216       100     5 2022
## 5        4    US-OK 35.96645  -95.49374       696     2 2021
## 6      122    US-OK 36.20820  -96.06008        40     4 2019